
Plugins are where the real fun begins. Hueman comes with a few plugins, but you can also add your own (more on that later). Plugins can be invoked one of two ways, either just the name like a plugin, or name:args - if the plugin requires arguments:

% hueman -a plugin
% hueman -a plugin:args


The colour plugin allows you to set your bulbs to a “natural” colour:

% hueman -a colour:red


If you can’t quite find the colour you’re looking for, you can instead provide an RGB hex:

% hueman -a rgb:ff0000

Always Take the Weather With You

The weather plugin requires some configuration before you can use it. Plugin settings are defined in your config file:

      latitude: 0.0
      longitude: 0.0
% hueman -a weather

Mixing it Up

And, of course, you can mix plugins and attributes (and scenes, and presets...):

% hueman -a colour:red bri:75%
% hueman -a slowly bright colour:red
% hueman work mode colour:red

Rolling Your Own

Plugins are a simple class which implement the __call__ function, with settings being passed to the __init__ function:

class MyPlugin1(object):
    def __call__(self, controller, value):

class MyPlugin2(object):
    def __init__(self, default_brightness):
        self.default_brightness = default_brightness

    def __call__(self, controller):

The __call__ method should accept at a minimum one argument (in addition to self) which is the target of the action. Plugins must be registered in your config file:

  myplug1: module.path.MyPlugin1
    path: module.path.MyPlugin2
      default_brightness: 255

path should be a standard Python import path, and settings is a dictionary passed to __init__ as kwargs. Once registered plugins can be invoked by name:

% hueman -g bedroom myplug1:100
% hueman -g office myplug2

Refer to the API Documentation for more information on Plugin authoring.